Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Barriers to Transforming Your Business

There are five challenges very common in growing businesses. And not so coincidentally they are five challenges that we can help you through. We are Forrer Business Interiors, the largest business interiors design resource in Wisconsin. Our process is totally focused on your business and making your employees more inspired and more productive. If your business is facing any situations similar to those outlined, we’d love to become your partner in confronting those challenges.

1. How to Attract & Retain the right people.
The real power of the workforce continues to get younger. The skills of the gen-Y set are what your business needs to get ahead in your industry. However, before you can utilize their talent, energy and skills you have to bring them into your business. And their goals and values and what they look for in an employer are not the same as their predecessors, making them a complicated puzzle. But one that’s well worth solving. And the most desirable of the candidates often have multiple offers to choose from before they commit to an employer. How do they make their decision? Believe it or not they place a premium on the vibe they get in the work place. Which means the design and layout of your work place is very influential in winning the gen-Y worker.

2. Inefficiency is the enemy of productivity.
The challenge is to increase output utilizing only the resources that you already have. But how? You need to put the right people together. And put them together the right way. Help them to interact more effectively. Help them to be more productive when they’re working alone. Help them work faster. Help them to think bigger. Much of this is a workspace management issue. It can be achieved by setting up areas within your business to allow people to collaborate more productively. Or by setting up individual workstations for them that are conducive to doing the work. Finding the floor plan that unlocks human potential in your workplace and cuts down on inefficiency is everything. It’s not magic by any means. But it’s not easy. And not everyone who can create a design for your business can also create the most powerful design for your business.

3. How to grow in a space you’ve already outgrown.
Thriving businesses face another consistent challenge – growing in staff faster than they grow in square feet. For the growing business, new wings and new buildings just aren’t as easy to come by as new clients. When that’s the case you simply have to get the very most out of the space that you have. And you have to do it in such a way that you don’t disrupt the work you’re doing or disenfranchise your workforce. Their spirit and vitality must be maintained to maintain your growth. Believe it or not, when it’s well managed, reconfiguring your workspace can actually make you more productive and more efficient. But be careful in choosing your partner. Not everyone who says they can guide you through the process is qualified to guide you through the process successfully.

4. Paying for what you can’t yet afford.
Leveraging money to maximum advantage can give you the ability to accomplish things you might never have thought possible. Finding a way to cash flow your way through expenses is a powerful strategy to elevate your business outcomes. The projects this strategy enables can increase morale, which might make the difference between winning and losing a contract. It can create a more efficient work place design that leads to increased productivity. Looking at expenses from a new vantage point can open up new opportunities for you. The business that makes best use of its financing options can best present itself as a step above the others in its competitive set. And the payout from winning just one piece of new business through that strategy can make the time and expense well worth it.

5. Projecting tomorrow’s image today.
Your business is being considered by a prospect, they come to your offices to get a feel for what you do and your culture. The moment they walk in the door, you’re being evaluated. And the judgment begins even before your receptionist has a chance to speak. What does your physical space say to them? What do your furnishings say about your business? Are you cutting edge? Are you barely keeping up? Every chair, coffee table and office configuration say something so full consideration must be given to all design details – even those that might feel inconsequential to you. Because you never know, they might mean everything to your business. The old adage is true. You’ve only got one chance to make a first impression. Make the most of every opportunity.

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